Fellowship in Orthodontics

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Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics offers a full time one year Fellowship in Clinical Orthodontic Research. The Fellowship is geared towards broadening and enhancing a Fellows background thus helping to prepare them for matriculation into an ADA accredited residency program in orthodontics upon successful completion of the program. Fellows participate in a diverse didactic and clinical orthodontic experience. Course work includes but is not limited to orthodontic record-taking, record-keeping, data basing, orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, and exposure to various clinical orthodontic theoretical, diagnostic, and therapeutic treatment philosophies and regimens. Fellows not only shadow current JU orthodontic residents in the clinic and assist them in a variety of chair-side experiences; they will be expected to treat approximately 30-35 of their own patients. The research component requires the Fellows to participate in collecting clinical research data, assist in preparing and expanding our clinical research database, and helping to develop teaching modules for orthodontic continuing education. Throughout the Fellowship, participants will gain experience with orthodontic practice management software, orthodontic diagnostic and case presentation software, imaging software, cone-beam computed tomography, digital photography and radiography, as well as exposure to a variety of orthodontic appliances and techniques including using soft tissue lasers and temporary anchorage devices in orthodontic practice.This one-year, non-accredited continuing education program in orthodontic clinical research is designed for the candidate who needs to augment his/her dental education. The program combines didactic orthodontic education, clinical training and intensive exposure to clinical orthodontic research.