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Honor Code

To underscore the importance of truth, honesty and accountability, students, faculty and staff of the Davis College of Business & Technology adhere to an honor code.

All Davis College students agree to conform to the following: I do not lie, cheat, steal or condone those who do.


Academic Honesty

All students of the Davis College of Business & Technology are expected to adhere to the highest standard of academic honesty. It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that the integrity of this standard is not violated. The programs define academic dishonesty as: submission of false records of academic achievement; cheating on assignments or examinations; plagiarizing, altering, forging, or misusing a University academic record; taking, acquiring or using test materials without faculty permission; acting alone or in cooperation with others to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards or professional achievement.

Procedures for Addressing Academic Dishonesty - The Davis College of Business & Technology adheres to the established processes and procedures of Jacksonville University regarding definitions and standards for academic honesty and all appeals as outlined in the Academic Information section of this catalog.